Houston Small Businesses File $50 Million Lawsuit Against CenterPoint Energy Over Prolonged Power Outages

Houston small businesses are suing CenterPoint Energy for $50 million over prolonged power outages following Hurricane Beryl, citing significant financial losses and inadequate infrastructure and response.

Kelsey McCabe


Kelsey McCabe


Aug 29, 2024

Houston Small Businesses File $50 Million Lawsuit Against CenterPoint Energy Over Prolonged Power Outages

Several small firms in the beauty, health, and medical industries have banded together to file a lawsuit against CenterPoint Energy for the amount of fifty million dollars. This action is part of a huge legal struggle that is now taking place in Houston. The significant financial repercussions that these businesses were forced to bear as a result of the protracted power outages that occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl are the impetus for this joint action. The power outages, which in some regions lasted for weeks, have made the already difficult economic conditions that many small businesses are experiencing even more difficult. As a result, many enterprises have seen considerable income losses and disruptions in their operations.

The Effects that Hurricane Beryl will Have

Tropical storm Beryl, which made landfall in the Houston region two weeks ago, was responsible for significant destruction and left thousands of people without electricity. Both residential and business areas were impacted by the hurricane, which brought with it heavy rainfall, strong winds, and severe flooding. Although the region is prone to experiencing natural disasters on a regular basis, the reaction from CenterPoint Energy has been subjected to significant criticism. Businesses assert that the infrastructure and emergency response plans of the power company were drastically inadequate, which led to extended periods of time without energy, which in turn hindered their operations.

Devastation that is Pervasive
The aftermath of Hurricane Beryl included a significant number of neighborhoods that were flooded in water, roads that were left inaccessible, and a significant breakdown of the electricity grid. The impact was nothing short of catastrophic for businesses, particularly those that were reliant on power for their operations. A significant number of beauty salons, health clinics, and medical offices were among the most severely affected, and many of them were forced to close their doors permanently. Some companies reported losses that amounted to tens of thousands of dollars each day that the power was off. The financial toll was enormous, and some of these enterprises reported losses.

Extended periods of power outages
Due to the prolonged power outages, businesses were unable to supply their services, which resulted in a significant number of cancellations and a negative impact on customer retention. It was decided to put a stop to activities at beauty salons, which are significantly dependent on energy for their equipment. The operation of health clinics, which are required to have a consistent supply of electricity for the refrigeration of drugs and medical equipment, was fraught with significant difficulties. Additionally, medical offices had a difficult time maintaining their services, which had an effect on the care that patients received and resulted in a backlog of appointments.

A Coalition of Businesses for Justice

A number of well-known local companies, such as beauty salons, health clinics, and medical offices, are among the plaintiffs in this case. The businesses in question contend that they were compelled to shut their doors as a result of the power disruptions, which resulted in a significant loss of revenue. As businesses hurried to find temporary power solutions, many people were forced to postpone appointments, lose perishable merchandise, and face increased operational costs as a result of the power shortages. It is the intention of the collective action to hold CenterPoint Energy accountable for the difficulties that these businesses have had in terms of both their finances and their operations.

Plaintiffs of Notable Prominence
A number of well-known companies, including Midtown Medical Center, Houston Health Clinic, and Elegance Beauty Salon, are at the forefront of the litigation. As a single front against what they consider to be negligence on the part of CenterPoint Energy, these establishments, along with scores of others, have come together to form a united front. The plaintiffs accuse the utility provider of failing to take reasonable precautions to prevent the protracted power outages, despite the fact that they had adequate warning about the impending hurricane.

The Expressions of Frustration
Owners of businesses have expressed their dissatisfaction and indignation regarding the current scenario. The proprietor of Elegance Beauty Salon, Maria Lopez, talked about her experience, saying, "We were forced to close for almost two weeks." Due to the lack of power, we were forced to dispose of a significant amount of our goods, which resulted in a significant loss of revenue. It has been a terrible experience for us. In a similar vein, Dr. James Harris of Midtown Medical Center voiced his concern on the impact on patient care, saying, "Our patients depend on us for their health needs." Our services were not only disrupted, but the power outage also put the lives of a great number of people in danger.

The legal justifications for the lawsuit

According to the allegations made in the lawsuit, CenterPoint Energy is negligent and has broken the contract. The plaintiffs assert that the utility company did not effectively prepare for the hurricane and failed to maintain its infrastructure, despite the fact that it had enough notice and historical knowledge of the region's susceptibility to disasters of this nature. The legal team that is defending the businesses contends that the prolonged outages were directly caused by CenterPoint's lack of preparedness and delayed response, which might have been avoided with appropriate planning and prompt action.

A breach of contract as well as negligentness
The primary contention of the case is that CenterPoint Energy's refusal to invest in infrastructure that is resilient and its weak emergency response plans constitute negligent behavior on the part of the corporate entity. Specifically, the plaintiffs contend that the utility provider did not fulfill its contractual obligations to provide dependable service, which is especially important during times of emergency. They contend that despite the fact that CenterPoint collected large fees from customers, the company did not prioritize crucial upgrades and maintenance that could have prevented the protracted outages.

The Evidence and the Testimonies of Experts
In order to find evidence to back up their claims, the plaintiffs have sought the assistance of professionals who specialize in utility administration and catastrophe preparedness. It is anticipated that these specialists would present testimony regarding the ways in which the power outages may have been averted by implementing more effective emergency measures and enhancing the infrastructure. In addition, the legal team intends to submit proof of similar instances that occurred in other regions, where power companies successfully decreased the lengths of outages by taking preventative measures.

Effects on the Economy

Due to the power disruptions, there has been a significant impact on the economy. Because of their low profit margins, many small firms are unable to afford to close for extended periods of time. The plaintiffs are requesting damages in the amount of fifty million dollars to compensate for lost revenue, costs of repair, and other expenses associated to the case. Taking this legal action brings to light the more general problem of infrastructure resilience as well as the duties of utility providers in regions that are prone to natural disasters.

Amounts of Money Lost
The repercussions on the finances of small enterprises have been quite detrimental. For example, the Houston Health Clinic said that the disruptions caused them to lose more than one hundred thousand dollars in sales. It was necessary for the clinic to cancel a large number of appointments since it was unable to provide necessary services. Similarly, beauty salons like Elegance Beauty Salon faced significant losses as clients canceled appointments and perishable beauty products were ruined without refrigeration.

Obstacles Related to Operations
As businesses attempted to reduce the effects of the power outages, they not only faced increased operational costs but also increased operational expenses. Due to the fact that many of them were forced to make investments in temporary power solutions, such as generators, their financial burden increased. Although these temporary steps were necessary, they were not sufficient to fully restore operations, which led to additional strain on the financial aspect of the situation. As a result of the cumulative effect of decreased revenue and increasing expenditures, many firms are having difficulty recovering from their losses.

The Response from CenterPoint

CenterPoint Energy has acknowledged the lawsuit but has defended its actions, stating that the severity of Hurricane Beryl was unprecedented and that their teams worked tirelessly to restore power as quickly as possible. The company claims that it has invested millions in infrastructure improvements and emergency preparedness but admits that more needs to be done to handle such extreme weather events effectively.

Defense and Justifications
In its defense, CenterPoint Energy has highlighted the unprecedented nature of Hurricane Beryl. The company argues that the hurricane's intensity and the widespread damage it caused were beyond what could reasonably be anticipated. CenterPoint maintains that its crews worked around the clock to restore power and that the extended outages were a result of the extraordinary challenges posed by the hurricane.

Future Commitments
Despite defending its actions, CenterPoint Energy has acknowledged the need for further improvements. The company has committed to investing in more resilient infrastructure and enhancing its emergency response plans. CenterPoint has also expressed a willingness to work with community leaders and business owners to address their concerns and prevent similar issues in the future. This includes exploring new technologies and strategies to better handle severe weather events.

How the Community Reacted

The lawsuit has garnered significant attention from the local community and business associations. Many see this as a critical moment to hold utility companies accountable and push for better infrastructure and emergency response systems. Community leaders are calling for an independent review of CenterPoint's handling of the hurricane and urging state regulators to enforce stricter standards for utility companies.

Support from Business Associations
Business associations, including the Houston Small Business Association (HSBA) and the Greater Houston Partnership, have expressed their support for the lawsuit. These organizations argue that small businesses are the backbone of the local economy and deserve reliable services from utility providers. They believe that holding CenterPoint accountable will set a precedent for better service and infrastructure in the future.

Public Sentiment
Public sentiment has largely been in favor of the plaintiffs. Many residents and local businesses have shared their own stories of hardship during the outages, adding to the growing call for accountability. Social media platforms have been flooded with comments and posts supporting the lawsuit and demanding action from CenterPoint and state regulators. The widespread support underscores the deep frustration and anger within the community over the handling of the power outages.

Looking Forward

As the lawsuit progresses, it will likely set a precedent for how utility companies are held accountable for their disaster preparedness and response efforts. For Houston's small businesses, this legal battle is not just about compensation but about ensuring that future crises do not result in similar hardships.

Legal Precedents and Implications
The outcome of this lawsuit could have far-reaching implications for utility companies across the country. A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs would send a strong message about the importance of disaster preparedness and infrastructure resilience. It could lead to stricter regulations and increased scrutiny of utility companies' emergency response plans. This, in turn, could drive significant investments in infrastructure upgrades and improved disaster response strategies.

Long-Term Solutions
Beyond the immediate legal battle, there is a growing recognition of the need for long-term solutions to enhance infrastructure resilience. This includes investing in modernizing the power grid, implementing advanced weather forecasting and monitoring systems, and developing comprehensive emergency response plans. Collaboration between utility companies, government agencies, and the business community will be essential in building a more resilient infrastructure that can withstand future natural disasters.


The $50 million lawsuit filed by Houston's small businesses against CenterPoint Energy over prolonged power outages following Hurricane Beryl is a significant legal battle with potentially far-reaching implications. The lawsuit highlights the severe financial and operational challenges faced by businesses in the aftermath of the hurricane and raises important questions about infrastructure resilience and utility company accountability. As the legal proceedings unfold, the outcome could set a precedent for how utility companies are expected to prepare for and respond to natural disasters. For the plaintiffs, this lawsuit is not just about seeking compensation but about ensuring that future crises do not bring similar hardships. The community's support and the attention garnered by this case underscore the critical importance of reliable infrastructure and effective disaster response systems in safeguarding the livelihoods of small businesses and the broader community.

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